Denise Chew

Ashtanga Yoga - Singapore

Denise Chew is a Level 2 authorised Ashtanga Yoga teacher based in Singapore. She currently teaches ashtanga classes (Mysore, Led and Zoom) in Singapore.

Ashtanga Yoga Classes with Denise, Singapore

2023 © Denise Chew. All rights reserved.

Ashtanga Class - Led Half Primary with Denise


(Wed 7-8.20pm, Sat 10-11.20am):Students will be talked through part of the Primary sequence, learning:
* The proper Vinyasa (how each Breath is linked to a specific movement)
* Correct Drishti (where to look in each asana ie pose)
* What to take note of in the asanas.

Ashtanga Mysore Class with Denise


(Tue&Thu 6-8pm, Sat 7.30-9.45am, Sun 8.30-10.45am):Mysore is the traditional way of learning Ashtanga. Students remember the sequence and work through the asanas at their own pace.
They can start and end at different times, depending on how many asanas (poses) they have been taught.
This ‘self-practice’ environment encourages students to develop and deepen a personal practice.
The teacher’s role is to provide adjustments and individual guidance, introducing new poses as they progress.
Beginners will be taught the sequence asana by asana. They will then repeat what they have been taught until they can remember the steps.
The teacher will then instruct them on the next asana.

6 Week Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga Course with Denise


This course (6 Fridays or Sundays) will begin with 7 confirmed people.
It is targeted at newcomers and will:
* Cover the fundamentals and key aspects of Ashtanga Yoga.
* Break down the Ashtanga sequence asana by asana.
* The course will be slower in pace compared to the regular classes. There will be a lot more explanation and opportunities to ask questions.
* Lessons will build upon what has been taught in prior lessons.
By the end of the course, students can continue to develop their practice in a Mysore / Led class.
Please contact Denise to register.


* $38 Single class
* $175 Five class package (valid for 2 months)
* $320 Ten class package (valid for 2 months)
* $25 Zoom class
* $330 Introduction to Ashtanga course


* Students will need to bring their own yoga mat.
* Bring a small towel.
* Try not to eat 2 hours prior to the start of a lesson.
* Drink some juice ½ hour before if necessary.
In Yoga, awareness of the breath, body and its limitations is more important than getting into the full posture. However, as with all physical activity, there are intrinsic injury risks which students assume. While care is taken to ensure safety during class, the students remain fully responsible for their bodies.Please highlight any existing/past injuries (especially related to the back, neck and knees) and health conditions.


Updated as of 17/9/24:
Schedule Update - No class Thu Sep19 to Thu Oct3
1) All in-person classes will be Zoomed simultaneously:
- Tuesday Evening Mysore, 6-8pm @Devonshire Road
- Wednesday Evening Half Primary Led, 7-8.20pm @Devonshire Rd
- Thursday Evening Mysore, 6-8pm @Work Lift Balance, 464 Crawford Lane
- Saturday Morning Mysore, 7.30-9.45am @The Alexcier, #07-12
- Saturday Morning Half Primary Led, 10-11,20am @The Alexcier, #07-12
- Sunday Morning Mysore, 8.30-10.45am @The Alexcier, #07-12
2)  Looking to start the next in-person Intro to Ashtanga course.
The next course will start with enough confirmed students.
The course is targeted at newcomers to yoga
There are 2 possible time-slots - Fri 7-830pm or Sun 11am-12.30pm.
The Intro course runs for 6 Fridays or Sundays. See Classes for more details.

Ashtanga Yoga with Denise, Class Schedule
About Ashtanga Yoga

About Ashtanga

What is Ashtanga Yoga?A dynamic sequence of postures linked together with the Breath, which is the heart of this discipline. For every breath, there is a specific movement.What are the benefits of Ashtanga Yoga?Ashtanga develops core & physical strength, flexibility and balance. The synchronisation of the breath with the progressive series of postures produces intense internal heat and a profuse, purifying sweat that detoxifies muscles and organs. Practitioners of other sports have found that Ashtanga Yoga helps stretch and release tense muscles. In addition, increased flexibility and joint mobility help to prevent injury.Ashtanga’s benefits extend beyond the physical. Through this practice of correct breathing-linked postures you will gain control of the senses and a deep self-awareness. Regular practice will result in improved circulation and steadiness of body & mind.

About Denise

Denise discovered Ashtanga Yoga in 2001.In 2004, she went to Mysore to practice at the source with Shri K Pattabhi Jois and his grandson R Sharath Jois. She was given Level 2 authorisation (blessing to teach the Full Intermediate Series) on her 2011 trip.

About Denise Chew

"Yoga started as a purely physical exercise when I picked it up in January 2001. I developed strength, balance and flexibility (I failed sit-and-reach in the physical fitness test!). With regular practice, I discovered yoga’s internal benefits. Focusing on the breath helps to quieten my mind, building self-awareness and calmness which I carry over from my practice to daily life. As my body is now familiar with the postures, it is free to move with the breath, becoming ‘meditation in motion’. After each practice, I feel calmer and refreshed - in body, mind and spirit.""Yoga will be different things to different people. To some, it’ll just be a weekly exercise. To others, it’ll deepen into a spiritual practice and a way of life. As I have progressed through life, my body has changed and my practice has evolved with it. The aim is how to use the yoga practice to support the body as it matures. Teaching gives me the opportunity to share my own yoga experience with others. I am blessed that many of my students have practiced with me for over 10 years. My aim is to nurture and support them in developing a lifelong yoga practice, which will sustain them through life's ups and downs. I strive to help students establish a regular practice as that is when we discover things about ourselves, physically, mentally and spiritually. My satisfaction comes from watching my students grow and evolve on their own personal yoga journeys; each an individual and unique experience."


For enquiries (private, group or corporate) please contact DeniseOTHER LINKS
* Instagram: @ashtanga_with_denise_singapore
* Facebook: Ashtanga with Denise for interesting articles and quotes.
* Denise's Blog: My Yoga Journey
* Sharath Yoga Centre

Thank you

Denise will contact you within 1-2 working days!